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Tax Client

Hargreaves Owen offers a full range of tax services for individuals and businesses

Like it or not, we live in an increasingly complex world and as local and national governments struggle to balance their books, the individual is under tax-attack like never before. Whether you are an employee or self-employed, an investor or approaching retirement, there’s never been a more important time to get the best possible advice from an accomplished firm of accountants. Are you paying too much tax? Hargreaves Owen offers a full range of tax services for individuals and businesses.

We not only structure your affairs to make them as tax-efficient as possible, but we’re also prepared to stand up for you in the face of the heavy hand of HMRC and others if necessary.

Services for Personal Tax Clients

Personal Tax Returns

For as little as £125 + VAT let us take the hassle out of preparing your self-assessment return.

Personal Tax Planning

Careful and effective planning can produce significant savings.

Rental Income

Produce rental accounts and ensure you have claimed everything you are eligible to claim.

Capital Gains Tax

If you sell an asset, such as a rental property there will be capital gains tax.

Inheritance Tax Planning

It is never too early to plan, no the limits and the value of the gifts you can give each year without them falling into your estate when you die.

Trust & Estate Planning

Let us help you protect your wealth and complete any Trust accounts you may require.

Act as agent

We deal directly with HMRC so you don’t have to

Services for Business Tax Clients

Corporation Tax Returns

We complete and file the return, checking to ensure all allowances including Research and Development claims are made.

Remuneration Planner

We make sure your business is set up to provide you with the most tax-efficient vehicle for your earnings.

Tax Review

We’ll undertake a detailed review of your tax affairs and identify the most tax efficient structure for your business.

Employee Benefit

We can assist you in reducing the burden of the compliance tasks and in planning tax-efficient remuneration packages for your employees.

VAT and Indirect Tax

we offer a full bookkeeping package and can complete VAT returns and file of line.

Acquisitions & Disposals

The structuring of a sale or purchase of a business can have a significant effect on the tax that is paid, getting it wrong can be very costly.

Act as agent

We deal directly with HMRC on behalf of the business

HM Revenue & Customs Investigations

If you are unfortunate enough to be the subject of a tax investigation by HM Revenue & Customs, it can be a stressful and worrying experience. We have a wealth of experience in dealing with HM Revenue & Customs investigations and all new clients are offered 12 month FREE cover with our Tax Compliance Insurance policy.

Get in Touch

Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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